进阶 Crypto 大全,30个必备的免费高级工具
正所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,在Crypto行业,知晓一些必备的工具会让你在市场观察、空投挖掘、投资分析等方面快人一步。 根据使用场景的不同,汇总了近20个免费且好用的工具类网站,希望能给大家带来帮助,以下内容仅供学习,请大家根据个人需要自行选择和判断。 一、数据分析类: 1)vestlab 主要功能/特色:展示了各个项目Token的分配情况、解锁比例和解锁时间等数据信息,在研究某些项目的代币信息时可以参考,同类型还有tokenunlocks,unlockscalendar等。 2)alt ...阅读全文 -
What Are Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains?
Permissionless blockchains are open to anyone to use. You can even participate in their consensus mechanisms, given that you meet specific requirements. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BNB Chain are all examples of permissionless blockchains, which are typically transparent and decentralized. Permissioned blockchains, on the other hand, require invitations to join. They’re typically used in private business settings and tailored for certain use cases. Power is restricted ...阅读全文